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Washington Hydrogeology Symposium

April 22-25, 2024 | Muckleshoot Casino Resort, Auburn, WA

2024 Detailed Symposium Program

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

7:30 AMRegistration Check-In Open | Coffee | Exhibits
8:30 AMWelcome, Opening Remarks, and Keynote (Medicine Creek) 

Subseafloor Hydrogeology: Moving beyond watersheds to the seafloor
Alicia Wilson, 2023 Darcy Lecturer
9:45 AMRefreshment Break | Exhibits | Posters
10:00 AMSession 1A: Remediation Approaches
Session Chair(s): Ken Nogeire
Session 1B: Streamflow & Nooksack River
Session Chair(s): Chris Allen
Session 1Implementation of Carbon-based Injectates in a Permeable Reactive Barrier to Control Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contamination
Mike Mazzarese, AST Environmental
Predicted Effects of forest management scenarios on Magnitude of Late Summer Streamflow in the South Fork Nooksack River
Susan Dickerson-Lange, Natural Systems Design
Application of Combined Technologies for Remediation of Carbon Tetrachloride
John Sankey, True Blue Technologies
Life Cycle Habitat Model Supporting Watershed Restoration and Instream Flow Protection for Fish Conservation and Recovery
Eric Doyle, Confluence Environmental
Performance Assessment of Monitored Natural Attenuation for Chlorinated Solvents at the Kent Highlands Landfill
Michael Brady, Parametrix
Anticipating the Impacts of Management Alternatives on Groundwater and Stream Depletion:  Groundwater Model Development and Application
Gilbert Barth, S.S. Papadopoulos & Associates
Chlorinated Solvent Remediation via Combined Activated Carbon, Reactive Iron, and Bioaugmentation
Mike Mazzarese, AST Environmental
Approaches for Increasing Late Summer Streamflow in Tributaries to the Lower Nooksack River
Jay Chennault, Associated Earth Sciences, Inc.
11:15 AMRefreshment Break | Exhibits | Posters
11:25 AMSession 2A: Data Visualization & Management
Session Chair(s): Chelsea Jefferson
Session 2B: Surface Water/Groundwater and Septic/Treated Water Recharge
Session Chair(s): Andy Long
Session 2Building Resilient Datasets to Preserve Data Sovereignty for the Yakama Nation
Mary Weber, Yakama Nation Fisheries
Overview of Recent USGS Washington Water Science Center Projects on Groundwater-Surface Water Interaction
Rich Sheibley, U.S. Geological Survey
ORIGEN:  Building a Tool for Insights Below the Surface
Jennifer Fanning, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Assessing Water Quality Impacts from Septic Systems in the Tri Lakes Area
Kevin Hansen, Thurston County
Making Your Data Shine - Dashboards for Data Visualization and Interpretation in R Shiny
Timothy Clark, Herrera Environmental Consultants
Reinterpretation of the Stratigraphy of the Orting Lake Upland, Deep UIC and Aquifer Testing Results, and Irrigation Reuse through Purple Pipe Infrastructure
Gus Carlson, Associated Earth Sciences, Inc.
Data Catalogs for Management of Environmental Information with Geospatial Context
Christian Johnson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
The Rise and Fall of a Nitrate Plume - From a LOSS to an MBR and Future Reclaimed Water Use
Luke Mioduszewski, Associated Earth Sciences, Inc.
12:30 PMHosted Luncheon
1:40 PMSession 3A: Field Methods & Sensors
Session Chair(s): Elise Wright
Session 3B: Climate Trends & Impacts
Session Chair(s): Steve Breen
Session 3Potential implications of drilling method on well performance
Michael Piechowski, Terraphase Engineering, Inc.
Analysis of King County Monitoring of Stream Discharge and Precipitation Over Decadal Time Spans
J. Michael Brown, University of Washington
Overview of Turbidity Sensor Technology for Water Quality Assessment
Bill Mann, In-Situ Inc.
Groundwater Level and Climate Variable Trends and Implications for Groundwater Resources in Oregon
C. Amanda Garcia, U.S. Geological Survey
Multi-well Testing Program in a Tidally Influenced Variable Density Aquifer
Rebecca Dozier, Haley & Aldrich 
Evaluating Groundwater Elevation Trends in Wells Completed in Basalt and Basin-fill, Walla Walla River Basin, Washington-Oregon
Amy Yoder, U.S. Geological Survey
Applications of 4D Electrical Resistivity Tomography for Monitoring Vadose Zone Water Migration at the Hanford Site
Tim Johnson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Climate Change Resilience and Adaptability for Water Supply
Daniel O'Neill, WA State Department of Ecology
2:55 PMRefreshment Break | Exhibits | Posters
3:10 PMSession 4A: Contaminant Hydrology
Session Chair(s): Jonathan Kemp
Session 4B: Streamflow, Recharge, and Groundwater Management
Session Chair(s): Carey Gazis
Session 4The Complex Hydrogeology of the West Plains, Spokane County
Ben Lee, Landau Associates, Inc.
Using USGS MODFLOW Results to Improve Calibration of the VELMA Ecohydrology Model for Modeling Streamflow
Philip Murphy, InfoHarvest, Inc.
Tidal Wave Attenuation in a Coastal Aquifer
Steve Graham, S. Graham Engineering and Geology, Inc.
Using Water Budget Informed Model Design to Assess Rising Groundwater Conditions in the Golden Valley Subbasin, Nevada
Don Malkemus, Terraphase Engineering, Inc.
Groundwater Surface Water Interactions at a Tidally Influenced Cleanup Site
Courtney Savoie, Maul Foster Alongi
Tracer-constrained estimates of groundwater recharge to the Columbia River Basalt in the upper Umatilla River Basin, Oregon
Henry Johnson, U.S. Geological Survey
Evaluating Remedial Progress in the River Corridor: Contaminant Rebound in the Unconfined Aquifer Underlying Hanford's 100-H North Study Area
Sylvia BendaƱa, Central Plateau Cleanup Company
Prediction and Management of Perched Water at a Proposed Managed Aquifer Recharge Facility
Jason Keller, GeoSystems Analysis, Inc.
4:30-6:30 PMPoster Session & Reception
Session Chair: Robert Mitchell
Poster SessionData Collection Efforts for Water Resources on 
Vashon-Maury Island

Eric Ferguson, King County Groundwater Program
Monitoring Concrete Recycling to Minimize Environmental Risks
Eric Daiber, Washington State Department of Ecology
Response of the Naches River to the Removal and Redesign of the Nelson Dam
Chandler Sabin, Central Washington University
Evaluating Managed Aquifer Recharge in the Yakima River Basin
Brook Bauer & Elif Meyers, Central Washington University
Combination of Thermal Treatment and Microbial Reductive Dechlorination to Address Groundwater Contaminant Rebound
John Sankey, True Blue Technologies
Evaluating Connections between Glacial Outwash Terrace Aquifers and Skagit River Alluvial Valley Aquifers
Henry Williams, Western Washington University
Using MODFLOW and a Mass Balance Approach to Assess Groundwater Storage Enhancement via a Floodplain Infiltration Basin
Lindsay Henning, Central Washington University 
Implementation of Updated Approaches for Slug Testing at Willamette River Site
Kristin Anderson, Floyd|Snider
PFAS Document Abstraction using Open Semantic Search
Neil Powers, INTERA, Inc.
Adaptive groundwater management made easy: a web-based decision support tool for the Arvin-Edison Water Storage District
Aaron Lewis, EKI Environment & Water, Inc.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

7:30 AMRegistration Check-In Open | Coffee | Exhibits
8:30 AMWelcome and Keynote Speaker (Medicine Creek)

Indigenous Perspectives on Water, Fish, and Drought: Collaborative Approaches to Complex Water Resource Challenges
Phil Rigdon, Yakama Nation
9:45 AMRefreshment Break | Exhibits | Posters
10:00 AMSession 5A: Hydraulic Characterization for Groundwater Remediation
Session Chair(s): Ken Nogeire
Session 5B: Groundwater Monitoring in the Yakima River Basin
Session Chair(s): Derek Holom
Session 5Implementing Improved Pump and Treat Remediation and Performance Monitoring of Groundwater Contamination within Discrete High-Concentration Zones
Rebecka Bence, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Lower Yakima Valley Groundwater Management Program
Sheryl Howe, Washington State Department of Health

An Analytical Modeling and Inversion Framework to Estimate Vertical Concentration Profiles Around Long-screened Wells
Frederick Day-Lewis, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Improving Wellhead Protection Area Delineations for 20 Lower Yakima Valley Group A Wells
Ben Lee, Landau Associates, Inc.
Numerical Model Results for Groundwater Sample Interpretation
Amber Nguyen, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Lower Yakima Valley: Ambient Groundwater Monitoring Network
Melanie Redding, Washington State Department of Ecology
A Deep Learning Surrogate Model for Efficient Groundwater Pump-and-Treat Optimization
Xuehang Song, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Updated Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model in the East-Moxee Black Rock area of the Yakima Basin
Dawn Chapel, Aspect Consulting
11:15 AMRefreshment Break | Exhibits | Posters
11:25 AMSession 6A: Groundwater Use and Water Rights
Session Chair(s): Jason Shira
Session 6B: Streamflow & Stream Restoration
Session Chair(s): Kevin Hansen
Session 6Simulating Groundwater Response to Two Future Groundwater Use Scenarios in the Harney Basin, Southeastern Oregon
Stephen Gingerich, U.S. Geological Survey Oregon Water Science Center
Fall City Floodplain Restoration Influence on Groundwater-Surface Water Connections, Streamflow, and River Temperatures
Scott Kindred, Kindred Hydro, Inc.
A New, Un-Mitigated 1,600-Acre Irrigation Groundwater Right in Eastern Washington
Eric Weber, Landau Associates, Inc.
Augmentation from Irrigation Canal System to Enhance Yakima Basin Tributary Flow and Improve Stream Habitat
Urban Eberhart, Kittitas Reclamation District
Oregon Groundwater Allocation Rules Update
Travis Brown, Oregon Water Resources Department
Groundwater Replenishment and Water Management on the Yakama Reservation
Danielle Squeochs, Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation
Simulating Potential Impacts of Proposed Water Supply Wellfield Extraction from Deep Puget Sound Aquifer
Nathan Cutler, EKI Environment & Water
Evapotranspiration and Floodplain Aquifer Storage in Taneum Creek
Carey Gazis, Central Washington University
12:30 PMHosted Luncheon
1:40 PMSession 7A: Emerging Contaminants (Pesticides, PFAS, 
6PPD-q, etc.)

Session Chair(s): Gary Walvatne
Session 7B: Geologic Carbon Storage & Related
Session Chair(s): Delphine Appriou
Session 7Understanding the Impacts of Pesticides on Washington State's Groundwater Resources
Jaclyn Hancock, Washington State Department of Agriculture
Virtual Learning Environment for Geologic Carbon Storage Applications: A Machine Learning Approach for Visualizing Large Datasets for Carbon Storage
Ashton Kirol, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Reconstructing PFAS History of the Santa Ana River from Groundwater Concentration Data
Stephen Breen, U.S. Geological Survey Washington Water Science Center
Characterizing Groundwater Chemistry in the Columbia River Basalt Group of Central and Eastern Washington
Ellen Svadlenak, Washington Geological Survey
Geochemical Modeling of PFAS Fate and Transport during Aquifer Storage and Recovery in the Pacific Northwest
Brad Bessinger, Summit Water Resources
Enhancing Geomechanical Risk Assessment in Geological Carbon Storage with NRAP-wSOSAT: A Web-based State of Stress Analysis Tool
Wenjing Wang, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Overview of Trends and Future Requirements in State Regulations for Emerging Contaminants
Heather Gosack, WSP USA
Geologic Carbon Sequestration: What is the Status of Underground Injection Control Class VI?
William Gallin, Washington Geological Survey
2:55 PMRefreshment Break | Exhibits | Posters | Passport Contest Prize Drawing
3:10 PMSession 8A: PFAS Issues and Panel
Session Chair(s): Christian Johnson
Session 8B: Tools and Methods
Session Chair(s): Fred Day-Lewis and Amber Nguyen
Session 8PFAS Forensics: Fingerprinting PFAS Sources and AFFF Impacts to Fish in Columbia Slough
Jennifer Field, Oregon State University
Methods for Predicting the Capacity of Stormwater Infiltration Drywells
Scott Kindred, Kindred Hydro, Inc.
PFAS Contamination of Drinking Water near the Yakima Training Center in Central Washington
Greg Caron, Washington State Department of Ecology
A Graphical Interface to Quantify and Visualize Streamflow Depletion
Jessica Rogers, S.S. Papadopulos & Associates, Inc.
PFAS Panel Discussion: 
Cleanup under WA MTCA, Unsaturated Soil Leaching, and More
Kim Wooten, Washington State Department of Ecology
Bonnie Brooks, Washington State Department of Ecology
Mike Means, Washington State Department of Health
Charles Schaefer, CDM Smith
Ecology's New Well Report Application: My Driller Portal
Malone Scott, Washington State Department of Ecology - Well Construction and Licensing Office
Water table estimates for Underground Injection Control Analysis, Clover Creek watershed, Pierce County, Washington
Elise Wright, U.S. Geological Survey Washington Water Science Center
4:30 PMSymposium Presentations Adjourn | Workshops on Thursday