Washington Hydrogeology Symposium
April 22-25, 2024 | Muckleshoot Casino Resort, Auburn, WA
2024 Detailed Symposium Program
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
7:30 AM | Registration Check-In Open | Coffee | Exhibits | |
8:30 AM | Welcome, Opening Remarks, and Keynote (Medicine Creek) | |
Keynote Subseafloor Hydrogeology: Moving beyond watersheds to the seafloor Alicia Wilson, 2023 Darcy Lecturer | ||
9:45 AM | Refreshment Break | Exhibits | Posters | |
10:00 AM | Session 1A: Remediation Approaches Session Chair(s): Ken Nogeire | Session 1B: Streamflow & Nooksack River Session Chair(s): Chris Allen |
Session 1 | Implementation of Carbon-based Injectates in a Permeable Reactive Barrier to Control Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contamination Mike Mazzarese, AST Environmental | Predicted Effects of forest management scenarios on Magnitude of Late Summer Streamflow in the South Fork Nooksack River Susan Dickerson-Lange, Natural Systems Design |
Application of Combined Technologies for Remediation of Carbon Tetrachloride John Sankey, True Blue Technologies | Life Cycle Habitat Model Supporting Watershed Restoration and Instream Flow Protection for Fish Conservation and Recovery Eric Doyle, Confluence Environmental | |
Performance Assessment of Monitored Natural Attenuation for Chlorinated Solvents at the Kent Highlands Landfill Michael Brady, Parametrix | Anticipating the Impacts of Management Alternatives on Groundwater and Stream Depletion: Groundwater Model Development and Application Gilbert Barth, S.S. Papadopoulos & Associates | |
Chlorinated Solvent Remediation via Combined Activated Carbon, Reactive Iron, and Bioaugmentation Mike Mazzarese, AST Environmental | Approaches for Increasing Late Summer Streamflow in Tributaries to the Lower Nooksack River Jay Chennault, Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. | |
11:15 AM | Refreshment Break | Exhibits | Posters | |
11:25 AM | Session 2A: Data Visualization & Management Session Chair(s): Chelsea Jefferson | Session 2B: Surface Water/Groundwater and Septic/Treated Water Recharge Session Chair(s): Andy Long |
Session 2 | Building Resilient Datasets to Preserve Data Sovereignty for the Yakama Nation Mary Weber, Yakama Nation Fisheries | Overview of Recent USGS Washington Water Science Center Projects on Groundwater-Surface Water Interaction Rich Sheibley, U.S. Geological Survey |
ORIGEN: Building a Tool for Insights Below the Surface Jennifer Fanning, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | Assessing Water Quality Impacts from Septic Systems in the Tri Lakes Area Kevin Hansen, Thurston County | |
Making Your Data Shine - Dashboards for Data Visualization and Interpretation in R Shiny Timothy Clark, Herrera Environmental Consultants | Reinterpretation of the Stratigraphy of the Orting Lake Upland, Deep UIC and Aquifer Testing Results, and Irrigation Reuse through Purple Pipe Infrastructure Gus Carlson, Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. | |
Data Catalogs for Management of Environmental Information with Geospatial Context Christian Johnson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | The Rise and Fall of a Nitrate Plume - From a LOSS to an MBR and Future Reclaimed Water Use Luke Mioduszewski, Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. | |
12:30 PM | Hosted Luncheon | |
1:40 PM | Session 3A: Field Methods & Sensors Session Chair(s): Elise Wright | Session 3B: Climate Trends & Impacts Session Chair(s): Steve Breen |
Session 3 | Potential implications of drilling method on well performance Michael Piechowski, Terraphase Engineering, Inc. | Analysis of King County Monitoring of Stream Discharge and Precipitation Over Decadal Time Spans J. Michael Brown, University of Washington |
Overview of Turbidity Sensor Technology for Water Quality Assessment Bill Mann, In-Situ Inc. | Groundwater Level and Climate Variable Trends and Implications for Groundwater Resources in Oregon C. Amanda Garcia, U.S. Geological Survey | |
Multi-well Testing Program in a Tidally Influenced Variable Density Aquifer Rebecca Dozier, Haley & Aldrich | Evaluating Groundwater Elevation Trends in Wells Completed in Basalt and Basin-fill, Walla Walla River Basin, Washington-Oregon Amy Yoder, U.S. Geological Survey | |
Applications of 4D Electrical Resistivity Tomography for Monitoring Vadose Zone Water Migration at the Hanford Site Tim Johnson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | Climate Change Resilience and Adaptability for Water Supply Daniel O'Neill, WA State Department of Ecology | |
2:55 PM | Refreshment Break | Exhibits | Posters | |
3:10 PM | Session 4A: Contaminant Hydrology Session Chair(s): Jonathan Kemp | Session 4B: Streamflow, Recharge, and Groundwater Management Session Chair(s): Carey Gazis |
Session 4 | The Complex Hydrogeology of the West Plains, Spokane County Ben Lee, Landau Associates, Inc. | Using USGS MODFLOW Results to Improve Calibration of the VELMA Ecohydrology Model for Modeling Streamflow Philip Murphy, InfoHarvest, Inc. |
Tidal Wave Attenuation in a Coastal Aquifer Steve Graham, S. Graham Engineering and Geology, Inc. | Using Water Budget Informed Model Design to Assess Rising Groundwater Conditions in the Golden Valley Subbasin, Nevada Don Malkemus, Terraphase Engineering, Inc. | |
Groundwater Surface Water Interactions at a Tidally Influenced Cleanup Site Courtney Savoie, Maul Foster Alongi | Tracer-constrained estimates of groundwater recharge to the Columbia River Basalt in the upper Umatilla River Basin, Oregon Henry Johnson, U.S. Geological Survey | |
Evaluating Remedial Progress in the River Corridor: Contaminant Rebound in the Unconfined Aquifer Underlying Hanford's 100-H North Study Area Sylvia BendaƱa, Central Plateau Cleanup Company | Prediction and Management of Perched Water at a Proposed Managed Aquifer Recharge Facility Jason Keller, GeoSystems Analysis, Inc. | |
4:30-6:30 PM | Poster Session & Reception Session Chair: Robert Mitchell | |
Poster Session | Data Collection Efforts for Water Resources on Vashon-Maury Island Eric Ferguson, King County Groundwater Program | Monitoring Concrete Recycling to Minimize Environmental Risks Eric Daiber, Washington State Department of Ecology |
Response of the Naches River to the Removal and Redesign of the Nelson Dam Chandler Sabin, Central Washington University | Evaluating Managed Aquifer Recharge in the Yakima River Basin Brook Bauer & Elif Meyers, Central Washington University | |
Combination of Thermal Treatment and Microbial Reductive Dechlorination to Address Groundwater Contaminant Rebound John Sankey, True Blue Technologies | Evaluating Connections between Glacial Outwash Terrace Aquifers and Skagit River Alluvial Valley Aquifers Henry Williams, Western Washington University | |
Using MODFLOW and a Mass Balance Approach to Assess Groundwater Storage Enhancement via a Floodplain Infiltration Basin Lindsay Henning, Central Washington University | Implementation of Updated Approaches for Slug Testing at Willamette River Site Kristin Anderson, Floyd|Snider | |
PFAS Document Abstraction using Open Semantic Search Neil Powers, INTERA, Inc. | Adaptive groundwater management made easy: a web-based decision support tool for the Arvin-Edison Water Storage District Aaron Lewis, EKI Environment & Water, Inc. |
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
7:30 AM | Registration Check-In Open | Coffee | Exhibits | |
8:30 AM | Welcome and Keynote Speaker (Medicine Creek) | |
Keynote Indigenous Perspectives on Water, Fish, and Drought: Collaborative Approaches to Complex Water Resource Challenges Phil Rigdon, Yakama Nation | ||
9:45 AM | Refreshment Break | Exhibits | Posters | |
10:00 AM | Session 5A: Hydraulic Characterization for Groundwater Remediation Session Chair(s): Ken Nogeire | Session 5B: Groundwater Monitoring in the Yakima River Basin Session Chair(s): Derek Holom |
Session 5 | Implementing Improved Pump and Treat Remediation and Performance Monitoring of Groundwater Contamination within Discrete High-Concentration Zones Rebecka Bence, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | Lower Yakima Valley Groundwater Management Program Sheryl Howe, Washington State Department of Health |
An Analytical Modeling and Inversion Framework to Estimate Vertical Concentration Profiles Around Long-screened Wells Frederick Day-Lewis, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | Improving Wellhead Protection Area Delineations for 20 Lower Yakima Valley Group A Wells Ben Lee, Landau Associates, Inc. | |
Numerical Model Results for Groundwater Sample Interpretation Amber Nguyen, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | Lower Yakima Valley: Ambient Groundwater Monitoring Network Melanie Redding, Washington State Department of Ecology | |
A Deep Learning Surrogate Model for Efficient Groundwater Pump-and-Treat Optimization Xuehang Song, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | Updated Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model in the East-Moxee Black Rock area of the Yakima Basin Dawn Chapel, Aspect Consulting | |
11:15 AM | Refreshment Break | Exhibits | Posters | |
11:25 AM | Session 6A: Groundwater Use and Water Rights Session Chair(s): Jason Shira | Session 6B: Streamflow & Stream Restoration Session Chair(s): Kevin Hansen |
Session 6 | Simulating Groundwater Response to Two Future Groundwater Use Scenarios in the Harney Basin, Southeastern Oregon Stephen Gingerich, U.S. Geological Survey Oregon Water Science Center | Fall City Floodplain Restoration Influence on Groundwater-Surface Water Connections, Streamflow, and River Temperatures Scott Kindred, Kindred Hydro, Inc. |
A New, Un-Mitigated 1,600-Acre Irrigation Groundwater Right in Eastern Washington Eric Weber, Landau Associates, Inc. | Augmentation from Irrigation Canal System to Enhance Yakima Basin Tributary Flow and Improve Stream Habitat Urban Eberhart, Kittitas Reclamation District | |
Oregon Groundwater Allocation Rules Update Travis Brown, Oregon Water Resources Department | Groundwater Replenishment and Water Management on the Yakama Reservation Danielle Squeochs, Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation | |
Simulating Potential Impacts of Proposed Water Supply Wellfield Extraction from Deep Puget Sound Aquifer Nathan Cutler, EKI Environment & Water | Evapotranspiration and Floodplain Aquifer Storage in Taneum Creek Carey Gazis, Central Washington University | |
12:30 PM | Hosted Luncheon | |
1:40 PM | Session 7A: Emerging Contaminants (Pesticides, PFAS, 6PPD-q, etc.) Session Chair(s): Gary Walvatne | Session 7B: Geologic Carbon Storage & Related Session Chair(s): Delphine Appriou |
Session 7 | Understanding the Impacts of Pesticides on Washington State's Groundwater Resources Jaclyn Hancock, Washington State Department of Agriculture | Virtual Learning Environment for Geologic Carbon Storage Applications: A Machine Learning Approach for Visualizing Large Datasets for Carbon Storage Ashton Kirol, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Reconstructing PFAS History of the Santa Ana River from Groundwater Concentration Data Stephen Breen, U.S. Geological Survey Washington Water Science Center | Characterizing Groundwater Chemistry in the Columbia River Basalt Group of Central and Eastern Washington Ellen Svadlenak, Washington Geological Survey | |
Geochemical Modeling of PFAS Fate and Transport during Aquifer Storage and Recovery in the Pacific Northwest Brad Bessinger, Summit Water Resources | Enhancing Geomechanical Risk Assessment in Geological Carbon Storage with NRAP-wSOSAT: A Web-based State of Stress Analysis Tool Wenjing Wang, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | |
Overview of Trends and Future Requirements in State Regulations for Emerging Contaminants Heather Gosack, WSP USA | Geologic Carbon Sequestration: What is the Status of Underground Injection Control Class VI? William Gallin, Washington Geological Survey | |
2:55 PM | Refreshment Break | Exhibits | Posters | Passport Contest Prize Drawing | |
3:10 PM | Session 8A: PFAS Issues and Panel Session Chair(s): Christian Johnson | Session 8B: Tools and Methods Session Chair(s): Fred Day-Lewis and Amber Nguyen |
Session 8 | PFAS Forensics: Fingerprinting PFAS Sources and AFFF Impacts to Fish in Columbia Slough Jennifer Field, Oregon State University | Methods for Predicting the Capacity of Stormwater Infiltration Drywells Scott Kindred, Kindred Hydro, Inc. |
PFAS Contamination of Drinking Water near the Yakima Training Center in Central Washington Greg Caron, Washington State Department of Ecology | A Graphical Interface to Quantify and Visualize Streamflow Depletion Jessica Rogers, S.S. Papadopulos & Associates, Inc. | |
PFAS Panel Discussion: Cleanup under WA MTCA, Unsaturated Soil Leaching, and More Panelists: Kim Wooten, Washington State Department of Ecology Bonnie Brooks, Washington State Department of Ecology Mike Means, Washington State Department of Health Charles Schaefer, CDM Smith | Ecology's New Well Report Application: My Driller Portal Malone Scott, Washington State Department of Ecology - Well Construction and Licensing Office | |
Water table estimates for Underground Injection Control Analysis, Clover Creek watershed, Pierce County, Washington Elise Wright, U.S. Geological Survey Washington Water Science Center | ||
4:30 PM | Symposium Presentations Adjourn | Workshops on Thursday |